bzr-svn: tracking svn merges

Gordon Tyler gordon at
Fri Mar 4 20:44:16 UTC 2011

Would it be possible for bzr-svn to track svn merges the same way bzr can
track its own merges?

I'm working with a shared repo into which I've branched trunk and various
branches of trunk from a svn 1.6 repo. Order of operations was something
like this:

C:\dev\repo> bzr init-repo .
C:\dev\repo> bzr branch http://svn/path/to/project/trunk trunk
C:\dev\repo> bzr branch http://svn/path/to/project/branches/branch1
C:\dev\repo> bzr branch http://svn/path/to/project/branches/branch2

bzr-svn can currently track when a branch is made. But if revisions from
that branch are merged back into its parent that connection seems to be
lost. In my example, branch1 was branched from trunk and branch2 was
branched from branch1. branch1 has been merged back into trunk a few times
and then branch2 was merged into trunk a few times. branch1 and branch2 are
release branches, so they never had trunk merged into them.

I used bzr qlog in the root of the shared repo to see the branch lines and
I can only see the branch operations. None of the branch lines indicate
when they were merged.

Is this at all possible?


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