Bazaar 2.3.0 cannot use external diff/merge program

Gordon Tyler gordon at
Fri Mar 4 15:39:48 UTC 2011

On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 17:05:36 +0200, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at>
> Niben M Singh пишет:
>> Thank you so much for the replies! I just had to go to settings and 
>> remove the quotes from Diff application paths. Now its working but I 
>> still get this error window. Not an issue for me but thought I'd report
>> it.
> What do you mean by "still get this error window"? What is the window?

He's invoking an external diff tool from a qbzr app like qlog. So it's
showing him an error window with the output from the 'bzr diff' command.

> As others have suggested you have to remove old rebase plugin manually 
> from the directory
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Bazaar\plugins\rebase



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