Adopting loggerhead

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Feb 11 02:57:40 UTC 2011

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Robert Collins
<robertc at> wrote:
> One new quirk - the annoying DENIED mails when submitting a merge is
> caused by loggerhead-team including launchpad which has a private-list
> as its contact address; I'm going to make a separate team
> loggerhead-review-team, and add all the folk from loggerhead-team,
> substituting launchpad for canonical-launchpad-reviewers.

Looking into this I realise that canonical-launchpad-reviews sends to
another canonical-only list so is equally useless making a parallel
team structure, instead I've subscribed canonical-launchpad-reviews
directly to lp:loggerhead with a setting of 'no email', and
*hopefullly* that will be enough to shut it up.


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