New branch created accidentally

Marco Pantaleoni marco.pantaleoni at
Thu Jan 27 08:26:36 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:33 PM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at>wrote:

> Most people seem to have decided that they don't want a nested
> namespace. So they only want to be able to do:
>  bzr branch $URL/project/trunk project
>  bzr branch $URL/project/series/2.3
>  bzr branch $URL/project/features/2.3-feature
> So instead of using '/' to denote hierarchy they use sibling directories
> and redundant naming. (2.3-feature rather than 2.3/feature).
> Is there sufficient momentum in that space that bzr should *enforce*
> that policy? I've gone from "no" to "maybe". I don't think I'm at
> "definitely" yet.


please don't


Marco Pantaleoni
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