[attn plugin authors] 2.3b5 will be frozen on 2011-01-13

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Jan 12 16:53:13 UTC 2011

Vincent Ladeuil пишет:
> bzr 2.3b5 will be frozen this Thursday and this will be our last beta
> release before 2.3.0 is released in February.
> After 2.3b5, we won't make any API changes and will land only bug fixes
> and reasonably stable feature changes.
> The plan is to include such plugins into the 2.3.0 release we'll do in
> February, if you need help for that, let us know !

Can we have latest windows installer please? In order to test QBzr and 
Bazaar Explorer with bzr 2.3bX I'd like to have an installer.


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