Replicated branch storage, with automatic pushing of new revisions?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Jan 4 22:15:10 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 1/4/2011 4:05 PM, Max Bowsher wrote:
> I'm trying to advocate Bazaar in my organization, where the current
> primary version control system is Subversion.
> One of the sticking points is the lack of a synchronization /
> replication style backup system - as can be moderately easily contrived
> using Subversion's svnsync from Subversion's hooks.
> So, I'm looking into the idea of trapping write accesses to branches
> such that I can log them to an audit log, which a separate daemon could
> follow and initiate push operations to a mirror.
> Is anyone aware of any prior work done in this area?
> Max.

It isn't particularly hard from the bzrlib level to replicate a whole
repository. I suppose a journaled form would lend itself to scale to
really large repos with 1000s of branches, but for anything <100
branches, you could just scan the branches pretty easily.

One bit of work in this area is a branch scanner that sends email after
the fact, rather than as a user configured item. I don't remember the
name off-hand. (Basically a cron job that remembers last seen branch
tip, and sends an email if it changes.)

If you just want to sync the revisions, there is also:

repo1.fetch(repo2) # without passing a revision_id

It may be a bit inefficient since it scans all revisions, but it does work.


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