how to setup/debug --fixes option?

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Dec 20 00:40:59 GMT 2010

On 19 December 2010 02:44, Bika <viktor.nagy at> wrote:
> hi,
> I've a trac where users should be authenticated for every action
> I've added it's tracker url to my /mybranch/.bzr/branch/branch.conf as
> trac_mytracker_url =
> then issued a commit with --fixes mytracker:3
> the fix was recorded in the logs, and the generated url opens my trac, but
> it's not saved in trac itself.
> is this the correct behavior or should the fix be registered in trac
> automatically as well? (what I expected)
> in the latter case, how can I handle authentication? right now we have
> simple http auth setup for trac, but we would like to change to a "form
> based auth"


I haven't set up Bazaar with Trac, but in general there are two
options for getting the bug-fix information from bzr commits into the
bug tracker.

One is to run a hook from bzr when commits happen, which will
immediately go and act on the bug.  The other is to scan the branch on
the server and update the bugs then.  I think that if you install
tracbzr on the server, the second will happen.


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