Weird failure of a merge to local branch
Stephen J. Turnbull
stephen at
Fri Dec 10 15:38:23 GMT 2010
mflacy at writes:
> I certainly agree that docstring is incorrect, given the meaning of
> the word "mirror".
You're wrong to agree. The docstring is in fact correct. It's your
understanding that's wrong. A pull will fail if it's not a fast-
forward. Ditto push. They really are intended to maintain mirrors,
only mirrors, and nothing other than mirrors. I append an example.
> I'm not certain why you chose to bring it up, except to point out
> that I must have not scrutinized all the bzr help texts. I freely
> admit I have not.
The reason I bring it up is that I think it's completely unreasonable
to expect you to understand it *without* carefully scrutinizing those
help texts. Those operations simply don't do what a reasonable person
(whether a naive English speaker or someone well-versed in another
dVCS) would expect from the names.
The example:
# Gratuitous warnings about my choice of commit message suppressed.
$ pushd /tmp; mkdir -p test/a; cd test/a
$ bzr init
Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
$ function add-1-rev { echo $1 > $1; bzr add $1; bzr commit -m $1; }
$ add-1-rev foo
adding foo
Committing to: /private/tmp/test/a/
added foo
Committed revision 1.
$ cd ..
$ bzr branch a b
Branched 1 revision(s).
$ cd a
$ add-1-rev bar
adding bar
Committing to: /private/tmp/test/a/
added bar
Committed revision 2.
$ cd ../b
$ add-1-rev baz
adding baz
Committing to: /private/tmp/test/b/
added baz
Committed revision 2.
$ bzr pull ../a
bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to
see how.
Use the merge command to reconcile them.
$ bzr push ../a
bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. See "bzr help
diverged-branches" for more information.
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