Weird failure of a merge to local branch

mflacy at mflacy at
Fri Dec 10 11:00:02 GMT 2010

I certainly agree that docstring is incorrect, given the meaning of the word "mirror". 

I'm not certain why you chose to bring it up, except to point out that I must have not scrutinized all the bzr help texts. I freely admit I have not. 

Unfortunately, there isn't a pithy word to describe a one way operation that results in one repository containing a specific subset of change sets from another one (which I believe describes "pull" and "pull").  "Incorporate" with a direction indicator might be better than "push" and "pull" but would be a PITA to type. 

------Original Message------
From: Stephen J. Turnbull
To: mflacy at
Cc: bazaar at
Subject: Re: Weird failure of a merge to local branch
Sent: Dec 10, 2010 02:31

Mark A. Flacy writes:

 > "sync" implies that both ends match when the operation is complete;  
 > therefore, I do not believe that it is a good description of the  
 > operation.

You'd better report this docstring as a bug, then:

$ bzr help pull

    Purpose: Turn this branch into a mirror of another branch.

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