bzr 2.2.2 this Thursday?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Nov 22 18:02:56 GMT 2010

>>>>> Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:

    > Hi,
    > This week will be about nine weeks after the bzr 2.2.1 release, and
    > there have been several useful improvements landed to that branch, for
    > both bzr itself and for qbzr and plugins. (For instance,
    > <> "Initializing
    > colocated branch fails with "set_reference() takes exactly 4
    > arguments"" seems to hit a few people.)


    > We had this pencilled in for last week.

Oops, already ?

    > I think this release now has all blockers removed to running the
    > full test suite during both Ubuntu package build and installation
    > testing, which would be nice for our SRU process.

MRE even no ?

    > Previous releases from each series:

    > 2.3b3   2010-11-05
    > 2.2.1    2010-09-17
    > 2.1.3    2010-09-16
    > 2.0.6    2010-09-16

    > There was a sizable thread "Releases planning", in October, in which
    > Max asserted that 2.0 was of little interest at this time.

Nobody objected to that AFAIK.

    > 2.1 has only one end-user interesting fix, which is for
    > <>, accessing lp: urls through an http proxy,
    > but that is a fairly commonly-hit bug.

Right, but IIRC most of the people encountering it has been able to
upgrade to 2.2 or better. But yes, that's the most "interesting" bug there.

    > For 2.3 we plan to do the next beta in the first week of December.

    > Therefore I think we should do 2.2.2 now, and we should probably
    > also do 2.1.4.


    > The timeline would then be: code freeze this Thursday (25th); announce
    > next Tuesday (30th).

    > Questions:

    > * any assertions that 2.1.4 is either worthwhile or not

I would postpone it for a couple of weeks I think.

    > * anything, particularly in plugins, we need to do before making 2.2.2
    > and 2.1.4?

Nothing that I'm aware of.

    > * Vincent, are you still happy to be RM?

Yes ;)

After a couple of tyops and othe goofs to start with, I think I now
understand how this all work and I'd be happy to keep doing it as I
still haven't found the time to get more involved in the packaging and
being RM is a good way to learn there.


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