what if tracker url changes?

Frits Jalvingh jal at etc.to
Wed Nov 17 13:29:17 GMT 2010

I think this is all pretty horribly wrong. Using URLs to store that bug
means that any *other* function you want to apply to that solved bug
needs to decode that URL (been there, needed to do that 8-/). For
instance if I want to notify a tracker that a bug is solved I have to
"decode" that URL into it's parts, then send a SOAP request to handle
that. That is a bad interface. If URLs change over time it becomes worse
because I now have to decode more than one.

I think the proper way to do it is to use (immutable) aliases for
trackers, and specifying alias-to-tracker URL/interface mappings /inside
the repository/. That way you have zero-configuration URLs which are
easily changeable.

This looks like another thing that is badly solved because there are not
versioned properties in Bazaar, like the rules file etc...

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