2.3b2: Slow commands (several seconds) under SunOS / Sparc

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Wed Nov 17 11:33:07 GMT 2010


Please let me know how can I profile bzr under SunOS, where the commands
take several seconds each


    $ bzr --version
    Bazaar (bzr) 2.3b2
      Python interpreter: /usr/local/bin/python 2.5.1
      Python standard library: /usr/local/lib/python2.5
      Platform: Solaris-2.9-sun4u-sparc-32bit-ELF

    Timing tests of bzr 2.3b2 (Python Python 2.5.1)
    SunOS host 5.9 Generic_122300-49 sun4u sparc
      1:27pm  up 194 days, 18:03,  56 users,  load average: 2.95, 2.07, 1.88
    $ bzr help
    Bazaar 2.3b2 -- a free distributed version-control tool

    Basic commands:
      bzr init           makes this directory a versioned branch
      bzr branch         make a copy of another branch

      bzr add            make files or directories versioned
      bzr ignore         ignore a file or pattern
      bzr mv             move or rename a versioned file

      bzr status         summarize changes in working copy
      bzr diff           show detailed diffs

      bzr merge          pull in changes from another branch
      bzr commit         save some or all changes
      bzr send           send changes via email

      bzr log            show history of changes
      bzr check          validate storage

      bzr help init      more help on e.g. init command
      bzr help commands  list all commands
      bzr help topics    list all help topics

    real    0m2.01s
    user    0m0.79s
    sys     0m0.21s
    $ bzr init
    Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)

    real    0m4.48s
    user    0m1.55s
    sys     0m0.41s
    $ bzr add .
    adding a
    adding b
    adding c

    real    0m3.71s
    user    0m1.24s
    sys     0m0.38s
    $ bzr ci -m initialize

    real    0m4.88s
    user    0m1.65s
    sys     0m0.41s
    $ bzr log
    revno: 1
    committer: jari.aalto at tamk.fi
    branch nick: test
    timestamp: Wed 2010-11-17 13:27:32 +0200

    real    0m3.01s
    user    0m1.12s
    sys     0m0.28s
    $ bzr branch test test.clone.bzr
    bzr: ERROR: Target directory "test.clone.bzr" already exists.

    real    0m3.63s
    user    0m1.23s
    sys     0m0.38s

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