Need a way to set content-filtering rules across a project

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Nov 13 10:00:09 GMT 2010

Frits Jalvingh пишет:
> Hi Alexander,
> Thanks for your response.
> I think having a beautiful version control system and then maintain this
> kind of configuration outside it borders on the silly. But this is an
> error made by lots of systems (Eclipse *cough*) time and time again, so
> it appears to be an easy to fall for "solution"....
> I do see some problems with approaching rules configuration as a
> "versioned properties" problem- depending on what you define to /be/
> versioned properties. In the current rules file definition there is an
> order defined between rules; the rules do *not* stand by themselves. The
> rules are defined to be matched by file name by traversing the rules
> file from top to bottom, and using the first match for the property
> sought.

Please note that I don't insist on implementing versioned properties. 
Because today de0facto reached consensus to have rules instead of 
versioned properties. But when I've tried to introduce simple versioned 
properties there was no rules concept at all in the air. So for me to 
day both versioned properties or versioned rules means almost the same, 
i.e. it's idea of having some settings attached to the specific tree/branch.

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