Bzr fast-import not finding installed Hg

Arnel Legaspi jalespring at
Thu Nov 11 11:28:01 GMT 2010

On 11/11/2010 6:29 PM, Gary van der Merwe wrote:
>> I have Python 2.6.6 installed, along with those Python-based versions of
>> both Bzr and Hg, plus I've added PyWin32. Same error message. What other
>> libs should I put in?
> Make sure you are running "python.exe bzr", and not bzr.exe.

This gives me

$ python.exe bzr
python.exe: can't open file 'bzr': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I used bzr-2.2.1.win32-py2.6.exe. I didn't see any "" file there 
either. (Looking in the wrong directory, maybe?)

>> (Those weren't really mentioned in the docs at
>>, BTW.)
>> OTOH, I'm also considering if I should, say, convert it from Hg to Git
>> first, then from Git to Bzr. It might be a lossy process, though. Any
>> further suggestions/advice?
> Like Alexander said:
> "Another (better?) solution is to use fast-exporter shipped with
> Mercurial installer instead of the one from fast-import plugin. "

Mercurial has an "hg export" command. Sorry, but I'm not sure what 
you're referring to.


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