[ANN] bzr 2.3b3 has gone gold

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon Nov 8 07:16:49 GMT 2010

>>>>> Gordon Tyler <gordon at doxxx.net> writes:

    > On 11/7/2010 8:59 AM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >> The only caveat I'd like to mention is that I needed to reset the
    >> 'bazaar.src' directory to avoid errors during doc build (some old
    >> release notes files were still there triggering errors).
    >> So I wonder how this should be avoided, I realize we don't want to
    >> remove all directories there since they considerably reduce the build
    >> time, but on the other hand they need to be cleaned up somehow.
    >> How did you addressed that for 10.6 ? Just running a make clean (I
    >> didn't thought about trying this earlier unfortunately) ?

    > You can specify a build stage on the ./build.py commandline, one of
    > clean, build or dist. If you don't give any, it defaults to `./build.py
    > build dist`. If you specify any you must specify all the stages that you
    > want to be executed because there aren't any automatic dependencies.

    > So I would suggest doing `./build.py clean` when first setting up for
    > releasing a new version and then `./build.py` to do builds while
    > tweaking the config.

Doest it mean qt will be fully recompiled doing so ? The 10.5 host is an
underpowered laptopn, avoiding this particular step is welcome :)

Now, these are just questions, I can cope with such minor problems while
building by hand and if we have a robust solution for building
automatically, all is well (thanks to your scripts, again).


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