bzr commit gives: bzr: ERROR: Bad message

Marius Kruger amanic at
Fri Nov 5 10:09:00 GMT 2010

On 4 November 2010 23:06, Matt Funk <mafunk at> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am running a repository on a windows server 2008 r2 with freesshd as a
> sftp server.
> I did a checkout to a local machine, made some changes, and then tried
> to recommit back to the server.
> During the commit i turned off the sftp server since i needed to make
> some changes to it forgetting that i was in the middle of the commit phase.
> I then tried to issue the command again. After prompting me for the
> password i get:
> bzr: ERROR: Bad message

is that all it is saying? maybe also give us the last part of .bzr.log
which can be located using `bzr version`

In the absence of other help I'd try running `bzr check` on both sides as well.

<>< Marius ><>

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