Bazaar Destroyed My Repository
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Nov 2 09:01:25 GMT 2010
>>>>> "c" == consiliens <consiliens at> writes:
c> For a branch called test and a revid of
c> nospam at .com-20xx-kq6o1foc8fwyiqvq the command is:
c> bzr branch -r revid:nospam at .com-20xx-kq6o1foc8fwyiqvq test/ test_fixed
c> I'm glad this was a recoverable situation. It shouldn't be this
c> difficult to recover from a crash.
All crash reports leading to empty pack files, we are aware of so far,
were due to the file system lying to us pretending that both file
contents and the file metada have been written to disk.
What you've seen occurs when the file contents are *not* written to disk
even when moving these files from one directory (.bzr/repository/upload)
to another (.bzr/repository/packs or .bzr/repository/indices) have been
succesfully recorded.
But bzr rename these files only *after* writing them, flushing them and
closing them.
It will help if you could file abug explaining what kind of crash you
experimented, which OS and which file system you are using so we can
collect more info on the contexts where this bug manifests itself.
I have a repair-repo script that automate part of the repairing that I
should submit (based on the one you found in the bug report), but this
address only the repository part of the problem, not the branch
repairing step.
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