Bazaar Destroyed My Repository

consiliens consiliens at
Mon Nov 1 20:03:18 GMT 2010

On 11/01/2010 01:46 PM, consiliens wrote:
> On 11/01/2010 01:05 PM, consiliens wrote:
>> I have a bazaar repository with one file in it and bzr crashed during a
>> commit. Now every bzr command results in the following error.
>> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ShortReadvError: readv() read 0 bytes rather
>> than 181 bytes at 0 for "f4240273ed8f10a10d90e6410e5a35bf.rix"
>> f4240273ed8f10a10d90e6410e5a35bf.pack is a 0 byte file so the md5sum
>> fails. I looked through the bzr bug tracker and it seems that bzr
>> irrecoverably ruined the entire repository.
>> Eclipse kept the latest version so that's not lost. Is there a way of
>> removing the failed commit so I can access the rest of the repository?
> I ran the python script in this bug report.
> Now bzr is trying to use the missing revision.
> bzr: ERROR: Revision not present in "CHKInventoryRepository
> I ran dump-btree on the latest indicies file.
> (('nospam at .com-20xx-kq6o1foc8fwyiqvq',), '2773 253 0 302',
> ((('nospam at .com-20xx-s526s32hx5q7fo9v',),),))
> What values do I have to pass to bzr branch -r?
> The comment in the bug report states:
> $ bzr branch -r revid:<email address hidden>
> build-indicator.old/ build-indicator
> I just get " ERROR: Not a branch" when I run the above.

For a branch called test and a revid of 
nospam at .com-20xx-kq6o1foc8fwyiqvq the command is:

bzr branch -r revid:nospam at .com-20xx-kq6o1foc8fwyiqvq test/ test_fixed

I'm glad this was a recoverable situation.  It shouldn't be this 
difficult to recover from a crash.

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