understanding some of the basics
John Gabriele
jmg3000 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 21:25:53 BST 2010
I have a handful of basic questions I was hoping to find answers to
while I slowly make sense of Bazaar :) :
* Is it customary to have just one repository at the top of a given
working tree (so, one `.bzr` dir in my project dir, say,
* Is it typical to have more than one branch in a given working tree
-- such that one can switch at-will between branches, or merge one
branch into another -- all within the same working tree (and
* If that's correct, what is the command to switch from one
branch (say, named/tagged "works-ok") to another (say,
"adding-crazy-feature") -- both of them within my single working tree?
* What is the command to merge one branch
("adding-crazy-feature") into another branch ("works-ok") both of
which are in the same working tree?
* If my friend (on the same machine, at `/home/zoidberg`) wants to
make his own working tree / fork of the-proj (say, starting with my
"works-ok" branch) to add some crazy feature of his own (maybe
creating a new branch of his own called "auto-shell-molt"), but wants
to do so in his own project dir (`/home/zoidberg/the-proj`), is his
branch logically the same as mine ("adding-crazy-feature") only it
happens to be in a separate and distinct working tree and repository?
* And finally (for now), are the commands for manipulating branches
within the same working-tree/repository different from those for
manipulating branches which are in separate
working-trees/repositories? If so, can someone please summarize which
are used for which?
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