Master Branch Rename

Tom Browder tom.browder at
Thu Oct 14 13:37:12 BST 2010

Sorry for the incomplete send--finger fumble during editing, please
disregard it.  Once more:

I have a shared repository on host foo at dir X with branches
underneath.  Note that several bzr branches are checkouts from a
subversion repository in a remote host.

On host bar I have checkouts from each branch under //foo/X.

I want to rename X to Y, thus I think I need to do a switch on each
checkout on host bar.

I tried an OS mv from X to Y but the switch wouldn't work because X
was missing, so I made a symbolic link from X to Y.

Then the switches on host bar worked fine, but when I cd to a branch
from one of the special ones and do 'bzr info" I get this:

 Repository checkout (format: 2a)
  repository checkout root: .
        checkout of branch:
         shared repository: /usr/local/bzr-local-ox-branches

Related branches:
  parent branch: bzr+ssh://bigtom//usr/local/bzr-ox-repos/commercial-value/

But is that harmful since the parent branch no longer exists due to
the rename?  Should I reverse all actions and do something else?



Thomas M. Browder, Jr.
Niceville, Florida

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