Large Binary Files

David Ingamells david.ingamells at
Thu Oct 14 11:44:48 BST 2010

Mark A. Flacy wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 22:05 -0700, Chris Hecker wrote:
>>> But is locking even necessary in this day and age when we can allow
>>> merging in most major SCMs?
>> You can't merge most binary files, at least the ones used in game 
>> development.  How do you merge an mp3?
> Then why have files that you can't merge under version control at all?
> It's almost like using a hammer to drive screws.
That remark  is so naive (as is the metaphor), but off the top of my 
head how about:

- because those binary files are part of a larger whole.
- because bzr is about MUCH more than merging.
- because the binary file versions also need managing - and the best 
place to do that is together with the files that use them.

In the right circumstances using a hammer to drive a screw is the most 
effective way to work - ask many joiners!
It wouldn't work with oak, but with pine the result is strong enough for 
many purposes.

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