Large Binary Files

Kip Warner kip at
Thu Oct 14 06:53:08 BST 2010

On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 07:47 +0200, David Ingamells wrote:
> I'm not sure how the latest bzr stands on this, but in the last year 
> I've observed a problem with very large files - bzr just couldn't
> handle 
> them. I think the size was 2-300 Mb where I saw the problem - it
> seemed 
> to be memory related.
> David. 

Shit. Hopefully that's been patched. We're going to have a lot of large
Ogg/Theora or Matroska/Theora, Ogg/Vorbis, and other data. Maybe the
best thing to do is keep code under Bazaar and media under rsync. Of
course, then, you lose all revision control.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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