Should bzr aliases possibly be in their own file?

Tom Browder tom.browder at
Wed Oct 13 15:37:44 BST 2010

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 08:35, Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at> wrote:
>>>>>> Tom Browder <tom.browder at> writes:
>    > As a bzr newb who has to maintain multiple hosts, I think it would be
>    > handy to have aliases in their own file which could be version
>    > controlled and kept synchronized between hosts.
> Welcome to my world :-)

Thanks!  Sometimes frustrating, but mostly satisfying.

> Have a look at
> where this is currently discussed.

Oops, I'm going to have to learn to search launchpad in sections other
than bugs.

>    > 1.  It is unclear to me from the docs whether aliases are looked
>    > for in the location.conf and branch.conf configuration files.  If
>    > they are, what should be their position in the order of search in
>    > the hierarchy above?
> The current status is that aliases can only be defined in bazaar.conf so
> far and only in a specific section [ALIASES].

We should fix the docs I guess.

>    > 2.  Should the new, optional alias-only files should be required to
>    > have the "[ALIASES]" section header word?  I vote no.
> Me too.

Thank you.

> On the other hand defining a new set of files for aliases may not be the
> best solution either.

I'm not sure yet how your project affects my concern.

> At that point I'm tempted to define aliases as:
>  alias.mylog = log --limit 10
> This will allow defining them in any configuration file.

I'm too new here to absorb that either.

But I'll keep looking--thanks, Vincent.


Thomas M. Browder, Jr.
Niceville, Florida

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