[ANN] bzr 2.3b2 released !

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Oct 12 22:28:47 BST 2010

>>>>> Tom Browder <tom.browder at gmail.com> writes:

    > On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 14:53, Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr> wrote:
    >>>>>>> Tom Browder <tom.browder at gmail.com> writes:
    >>    > Sorry, I should have said I fell back to version 2.2.1.  It still has
    >>    > the known bug ?
    >> You forgot to replace the '?' with the right number ? :)

    > Exactly (old-agitis), the bug apparently causing the problem is 612096.

    >> I don't fully understand how you installed 2.3b2 there ? Guesses on IRC
    >> concluded you installed from the tarball and a 'setup.py install'.

    > That's what I did.


    >> There is nothing wrong with that, but it also requires being aware of
    >> such compatibility problems and be ready to run the plugins themselves
    >> from source (bzr-svn and bzr-rewrite trunks already carry the necessary
    >> fix).

    > Well I was warned on the 2.3b page, but I didn't realize I would get
    > into a chicken-egg situation

Well, I forgot to mention that this should be the only beta with such
problems (at least so blatant) and that we want have plans to avoid it
in the future by re-starting some nightly builds that *should* catch
this kind of situations (and others compatibility issues)
sooner. But... we're not there yet.

    >> An alternative is to subscribe to the beta ppa which will provides a
    >> coherent set of plugins. There is a work in progress to update it to
    >> 2.3b2 (it should contain a 2.3b1 and compatible plugins right now).

    > I've subscribed to it but I've been riding on Python 2.7 installed
    > from source so I haven't tried beta packages.

Hmm, and this means you also need to build other packages (paramiko,
pycrypto ?) from source and the ppa can't be used ?

    > Note that I also try to keep Python and bzr on my Debian server in
    > sync with my Ubuntu laptop (looking like more pain than I can
    > stand).

So, we are not (yet) *officially* supporting python-2.7 so file bugs
when encounter problems there.

As for staying in sync between Ubuntu and debian... as far as data
formats are concerned any 2.x bzr versions are supposed to be compatible
but again, file bugs if you encounter problems. We don't have ppas for
debian and there  is a open bug about that (but I'm afraid I will have
to call it bug ? ;).

    >> You may also encounter transient problems here, but they will be fixed
    >> by the packagers themselves (you're welcome to join though ;).

    > Thank you, Vincent.

    > Regards,

    > -Tom

    > BTW, one giant difference between bazaar and a lot of open source
    > projects is the civility I have seen on the mailing lists--thank you
    > all.

Thanks, that's good to hear :-)


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