[ANN] bzr 2.3b2 released !

Tom Browder tom.browder at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 21:50:40 BST 2010

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 14:53, Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr> wrote:
>>>>>> Tom Browder <tom.browder at gmail.com> writes:
>    > Sorry, I should have said I fell back to version 2.2.1.  It still has
>    > the known bug ?
> You forgot to replace the '?' with the right number ? :)

Exactly (old-agitis), the bug apparently causing the problem is 612096.

> I don't fully understand how you installed 2.3b2 there ? Guesses on IRC
> concluded you installed from the tarball and a 'setup.py install'.

That's what I did.

> There is nothing wrong with that, but it also requires being aware of
> such compatibility problems and be ready to run the plugins themselves
> from source (bzr-svn and bzr-rewrite trunks already carry the necessary
> fix).

Well I was warned on the 2.3b page, but I didn't realize I would get
into a chicken-egg situation

> An alternative is to subscribe to the beta ppa which will provides a
> coherent set of plugins. There is a work in progress to update it to
> 2.3b2 (it should contain a 2.3b1 and compatible plugins right now).

I've subscribed to it but I've been riding on Python 2.7 installed
from source so I haven't tried beta packages.  Note that I also try to
keep Python and bzr on my Debian server in sync with my Ubuntu laptop
(looking like more pain than I can stand).

> You may also encounter transient problems here, but they will be fixed
> by the packagers themselves (you're welcome to join though ;).

Thank you, Vincent.



BTW, one giant difference between bazaar and a lot of open source
projects is the civility I have seen on the mailing lists--thank you

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