What is the status of the qbzr diff/merge config bug (489915)?

Maritza Mendez martitzam at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 17:19:01 BST 2010

Gordon's work on merge tool mangement in both bzr and qbzr is really
nice.  Anyone who cares about making merging easy (that's all of us
right <grin>) might want to check it out.  I am looking forward to it


On 10/12/10, Gordon Tyler <gordon at doxxx.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 10/12/2010 7:40 AM, Patrick van der Velde wrote:
>> Hi Guys
>> I just spend 45 minutes trying to get a merge tool to work in
>> tortoiseBzr and BzrExplorer. and I just can't for the life of me work
>> out how to make it work. I've set the (expected / guessed) commandline
>> in the global bzr options (through the settings dialog) but those are
>> just happily ignored. I'm expecting that bug 489915 is the cause of
>> this all (but I may be wrong) so could somebody:
>> 1) tell me what the status is?
>> 2) tell me how to use a merge tool with bzr (command line merging is
>> NOT an option) so that I can get this merge conflict changed
> I am making good progress on my branches of bzr and qbzr to improve
> merge tool configuration. If you're interested in trying my current work
> in progress, you'll need to use bzr from lp:~doxxx/bzr/mergetools and
> qbzr from lp:~doxxx/qbzr/mergetools.
>> And on a side note can somebody tell me how to get BzrExplorer to show
>> me diffs of changed files? I just can't seem to find a good way to
>> quickly see changed files and get their diffs (something like the
>> TortoiseSVN - check for changes window)
> Just hit the Refresh button in the toolbar when you have the branch
> open. It should show you a list of the changed files in the center pane.
> Ciao,
> Gordon
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