2GB limit

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Oct 12 15:12:54 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

> Ok.  Thanks for confirming that I have a test case here, based on the
> groupcompress messages.

> Now here's something.  The branch in question has 1.25 GB distributed
> (very unevenly) over 700 files.  The largest single file is 195MB and
> the cumulative size distribution looks like this:

>    Size(MB)    Total Number of Files Larger than Size
>    =======    ============================
>    100               2
>     10             15
>      1            173

> The second largest file is ~120MB.  So could the ca, 419MB number come
> from a pack which is combining texts?

> Thanks
> ~M

I can't say for sure. It is unlikely for us to combine 2 file histories
into one group if it is larger than 4MB. The current logic should be:

a) If the current group has all the same file, it is allowed to grow to
   2x the size of the largest content or 4MB, whichever is larger.
b) If a group has mixed content, it is capped at 2MB

So if you have 10,000 revisions of a 1KB file (with no delta
compression), it should pack into 3 groups (4MB, 4MB, 2MB).

If you have 10 files that are all 1MB (no delta compression) it will be
in 5 groups (2MB, ...)

If you have 3 versions of an ISO and get some delta compression, it
should end up in a very large group (700MB base, + <700MB of deltas).

Now it is possible that the "419" includes the compressed and
uncompressed sizes. Though that is still only 240MB...

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