Default push, public and submit locations for branches?

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Fri Oct 1 10:37:48 BST 2010

Sorry I just found out this is possible by using the locations.conf
file. I just added something like:

push_location = bzr://user@host/project
push_location:policy = appendpath
public_branch = bzr://user@host/project
push_branch:policy = appendpath

This is really nice ;-)



Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there's a way to define default push, public, and
> submit locations for any branches that are created inside a shared
> repository. The idea would be that when a branch is created under the
> shared repository instead of not having these locations defined they
> would be set to some sensible default. This is useful when you have a
> local repository and the branches inside it are usually stored on a main
> central server as well.
> A shared repository could have configuration settings like this:
> default_push_location=bzr://user@host/path/${branch}
> default_submit_location=bzr://user@host/path/trunk
> default_public_location=bzr://user@host/path/${branch}
> Then when I make a branch called "my-branch" inside that repository
> these locations would be set by substituting ${branch} with "my-branch".
> Is something like this possible? If not I think it would be a really
> nice feature to add...
> Cheers,
> Nick

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