simple use case advice

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Oct 1 07:31:02 BST 2010

On 1 October 2010 14:15, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> Chris Hecker writes:
>  > Oh, and one downside of this plan is having to clean build the whole
>  > project again.  I guess that's what the colocated branch thing is about?
> An alternative to branching with bzr is rsyncing (or other recursive
> copy) the branch.  AFAIK bzr can't tell the difference.  If so, the
> only problem with it I can see is that you might forget which is which.
> :-)

It's true you can rsync things around, subject to the caveat that if
they find their repository directory by being underneath it, they must
stay there.  But it's easy to hurt yourself this way, by accidentally
copying over the top of something you didn't mean to replace.  I would
really recommend switching a working tree by either having it bound to
a separate bzr branch (bzr checkout br1 work; cd work; bzr switch
../br2), or by using bzr-colo.


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