Converting subtree format to non-subtree format

Harry Flink to-harry-from-bzrmailinglist at
Wed Sep 29 21:51:05 BST 2010


Me and now many my co-workers are using
bazaar as main version control system and
really like it.

I'm managing quite a big project with it and
over 2 years ago during jumping from SVN to BZR
tried the nested tree support which wasnt so
good idea. I got rid of the subtrees by just
"bzr rm" them and just keep all needed files
in the same big project. It seems to work OK.

During the 2 years I have upgraded the BZR
directory format to newer formats but they
always have to be with subtree support.
(I dont get it why BZR users even have to
care about internal repository file formats?)

Now when branching my repo bzr (v2.1.1) gives
me the following warning:
"Fetching into experimental format RepositoryFormatKnitPack3().
This format may be unreliable or change in the future without an upgrade

Command "bzr info --verbose" shows the
following info about the repository format:
     control: Meta directory format 1
working tree: Working tree format 6
      branch: Branch format 6
  repository: Packs containing knits with subtree support

I'm a bit worried for the support of this
respository format because I dont want to loose
my history of all 4000 revisions and still want
to keep up with latest versions of bzr.

Is there any kind of method to drop history
of subtrees so that I could go back using the
"normal" repository formats instead?

I was hoping for something like SVNs
"svnadmin dump" text format. I dont know if it
could be possible to use some rebase/merge stuff
to do this step by step with automated script
by recreating it on another repository but skip
the very old revisions that relate to subtrees.

I know this is my own fault being so stupid
to test experimental features long time ago
and not understand that these tests might
affect long time in the future too.

Best Regards,
Harry Flink

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