Bazaar and Visual Studio

Russel Winder russel at
Wed Sep 22 18:04:34 BST 2010

<I thought this had been sent ages ago, but it was sitting in a drafts
folder :-( >

On Thu, 2010-09-16 at 14:23 +1200, John Barstow wrote: 
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Russel Winder <russel at> wrote:
> > From what I can see Visual Studio supports Team Foundation Server and
> > Subversion.  There are also actively developed plugins for Mercurial and
> > Git.
> >
> > Bazaar however has a plugin that hasn't been touched for 168 weeks
> > lp:bzr-visualstudio.
> >
> Well, the gating factor here is access to a copy of Visual Studio, the
> free (Express) version of which does not allow for plugin development.
> I have an even worse issue with lp:bzr-tfs as I don't a licensed copy
> of TFS to test my plugin against (basically I use it very
> conservatively against my employer's production server, which rules
> out most test scenarios).

I think the point is here that anything to do with Visual Studio, TFS
and Bazaar has to be something driven by an organization with some funds
and a need to use Bazaar.  Currently all the organizations I know that
use Visual Studio and TFS use Visual Studio and TFS and have bought in
to the Microsoft lock-in policy -- especially as to run TFS you also
have to licence Windows Server, SharePoint, SQL Server, SQL Server
Reports and IIS.

> As far as actual code involved, one could probably get a bit of a
> running head start by looking at the Mercurial plugin as they support
> a similar range of operations against a similar model in the same
> language. I'd have a look but I have my hands full right now finding
> enough time to move bzr-tfs ahead to something really usable - I could
> however spend some time testing work someone else has done as I do
> have access to VS2010.

It does seem that Git and Mercurial have much more support in the Visual
Studio and TFS area, presumably due to having some form of support in
that area.

> I'd think the bzr-eclipse thing is a little more inexcusable, in the
> sense that Eclipse is OSS, so anyone could download it and start
> hacking on the plugin. This is something I might be able to justify as
> my current project uses Eclipse as the IDE, however it's a bit more of
> a learning curve as I know nothing about Eclipse (I'm the build
> engineer, so I don't actually have to touch the IDE at all).

There is already some support for Bazaar and Eclipse so this is not a
green field.

BzrEclipse aims to be a "team" integration and does quite a lot.
However it needs some further work.  cf.  I am sure Guillermo would be happy
of any extra effort.

QBzrEclipse isn't really a team plugin as far as I can tell, so to be
honest isn't in the same camp as the CVS, Subversion, Mercurial, Git and
Bazaar via BzrEclipse support.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.winder at
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: russel at
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

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