Launchpad svn/git imports failure causes

Eric Siegerman lists08-bzr at
Fri Sep 10 19:20:29 BST 2010

Request for clarification:

On Fri, 2010-09-10 at 17:06 +0100, Martin (gzlist) wrote:
> Pretty much always the right answer is "don't version
> symlinks if you claim to be a cross-platform project", [...]

Which "you" are you directing that instruction at?

At first, I thought it was directed to Bazaar itself, i.e.  "If
Bazaar is to be truly cross-platform, it should support only the
least common denominator, and so should *remove* support for
symlinks entirely."

But on rereading, I think it's directed to projects that *use*
Bazaar: "If you want folks to be able to check out your project
on Windows, don't check in any symlinks."  (Or, I might add, files
with backslashes in their names.)

Which did you intend?

FWIW, I'd argue strongly against the former sense, but the latter
seems eminently reasonable.

  - Eric

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