ppa copying tools (was Re: bzr 2.2 has gone gold)

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu Sep 2 00:49:40 BST 2010

On 2 September 2010 09:41, Max Bowsher <maxb at f2s.com> wrote:
>> I had in mind that it should be a generic lp-copy-packages, with
>> arguments and options specifying a glob of packages to copy, a source
>> and target archive (either a ppa or a release archive), whether to
>> copy binaries or to rebuild, etc.
> I guess I'm trying to separate, both in concept and in UI, the two
> operations/use-cases of:
>  * copy _that_ package from _there_ to _there_
>  * look at _this_ PPA, look at _that_ PPA, make the first like
>   the second as much as possible
> For example, I don't see any valid use cases for involving primary
> archives or copying sources without binaries in the second use case, so
> I'd specifically omit those capabilities from the command's UI for clarity.
> I think I'd like to call the first lp-copy-package and the second
> lp-promote-ppa.

That sounds good to me.  If "make it as much like the origin as
possible" is in the remit of the second command it can potentially
eventually do some consistency checks and so on.


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