testtools and subunit in the ~bzr PPA (ping for comments)

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed Sep 1 09:25:50 BST 2010

On 1 September 2010 08:39, Max Bowsher <maxb at f2s.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> No one commented on the below yet. Is that an indication that we don't
> really need testtools and subunit in the ~bzr PPA? Or perhaps that I've
> wandered off into packaging esoterica beyond the scope most people here
> are interested in? :-)
> It would be good to have someone else second my intentions regarding a
> notional ~bzr/builddeps PPA, before we get it created.

I think it's fine to have them in the ppa and a builddeps ppa is a
good way to handle it.

I suspect you may not have got many replies because most people
running the tests will be doing it from branches, not from packaged
bzr source. Being able to run the tests from the package is useful (if
only to check the packaging worked) but having it all neatly packaged
is not urgent for me.  But I am glad you did it.

Perhaps you can also copy those packages into the testtools and subunit ppas?


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