Need configuration to manage LabView files

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Aug 24 08:13:52 BST 2010

Dan Christian пишет:
> I'm new to bazaar, so this may be obvious.
> How would I setup bazaar to manage LabView files?
> The files are binary, but there are supplied diff and merge tools.
> This would be on Windows.
> If it helps, here is a write up of how git would handle it:
> Please, please, please don't let git be my only option!  That would be bad.

Hi Dan,

I'm sorry but bzr does not have such rich support for external tools
at the moment. Though the situation is not so bad, and bzr can be used
with some additional help from the user side.

1) Ignoring personal settings:

run command

bzr ingore "*.lvlps"

to ignore these files. (double quotes around the glob is mandatory)

Or you can just edit .bzrignore in your working tree in the same way
as git page suggest.

2) Merge with LabView. You will need to install extmerge plugin and
configure it in bazaar.conf as following:

external_merge = "C:/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/LabVIEW
Merge/LVMerge.exe" %b %o %t %r

After that you can merge your branches and if there will be conflict
in the VI files you will need to manually invoke LabVIEW merge tool
for every conflicted file. For example:

foo.VI file has conflicts, you will see foo.VI.BASE,,
foo.VI.BASE files in your tree. You need to run the command:

bzr extmerge foo.VI

and it will invoke LabVIEW merge for your files.

Once you finish merge with LabVIEW tools you need to tell bzr that
foo.VI is no more has conflict:

bzr resolve foo.VI

3) View the diff.

Setup the alias to run LabVIEW diff for specific files, e.g.

bzr alias vdiff="diff --using \"C:/Program Files/National
Instruments/LVCompare.exe\" "

And then invoke diff for your changed VI file as following:

bzr vdiff foo.VI

(I'm not quite sure about the right absolute path to LVCompare, please
adjust it according to your installation)

Please note forward backslashes as path separator (C:/Program Files/).
It will help to use them, bzr understand them correctly.

Hope this helps.

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