Bazaar 2.2 Windows installer - selftest broken

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Aug 19 05:57:01 BST 2010

John Barstow пишет:
> After installing Bazaar 2.2 "bzr selftest" is broken.
> ERROR: No module named layout.test_custom
> Appears that a subdirectory has gone missing from the bzr-svn tests directory.
> After fixing that I get:
> ImportError: cannot import name tests
> Thrown by rewrite plugin ( line 54); I expect the tests
> subdirectory has also gone walkabout.

Standalone bzr.exe (windows installer) has broken selftest for bzr
core itself. It's a known issue. So don't expect `bzr.exe selftest`
will ever pass.

If you want to run the tests for specific plugin, then please run it as:

bzr selftest -s bp.PLUGIN_NAME


for bzr-svn:      bzr selftest -s bp.svn
for bzr-rewrite:  bzr selftest -s bp.rewrite

Please file bug or two for those issues you have found and include the
relevant part of .bzr.log.

It seems scripts in those plugins are missing some packages
in the list of things to install, and thus they're missing in the
resulting installer. It's my best guess, but I can be wrong.


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