Branch generates ImmortalLimbo warning ?

Danny van Heumen danny at
Tue Aug 17 22:14:39 BST 2010

This might also be caused by a virus scanner or a shell extension that
is doing something in the background, because you were browsing through
the directories. (Which in this case could have been the trigger.)

If that is the case, it might not be as easy to recreate the situation.
(Maybe after rebooting?) But then again, in that case it's more or less
a fluke.


On 08/17/2010 08:32 PM, Maritza Mendez wrote:
> Update: another branch (trunk to dev_f) in the same repo created using
> bzr-explorer gave no Limbo warning.  So it appears to have been a
> fluke.  But I need to know what to do if it happens again and the limbo
> directory is not empty.
> Thanks
> ~M
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Maritza Mendez <martitzam at
> <mailto:martitzam at>> wrote:
>     I am running bzr 2.2 packaged with bzr-explorer for Windows with the
>     same "big" project I've described here before.
>     I have a shared repo at D:/VCS/bzrEval with main branch
>     D:/VCS/bzrEval/trunk and I branch to D:/VCS/bzrEval/dev_d within the
>     shared repo and I get the following message in .bzr.log (and in the
>     bzr-explorer GUI):
>     ImmortalLimbo: Unable to delete transform temporary directory
>     D:/VCS/bzrEval/dev_d/.bzr/checkout/limbo.
>         Please examine D:/VCS/bzrEval/dev_d/.bzr/checkout/limbo to see
>     if it contains any files you wish to
>         keep, and delete it when you are done.
>     [Traceback is attached]
>     It turns out that the limbo directory is empty.  But what would I
>     have done if it had files in it?  I need to understand this well
>     enough to be able to explain it to people who are just trying to get
>     their (non-bzr) jobs done.
>     I repeated the branching (from /trunk to /dev_e, both in the same
>     shared repo as above) and I did =not= get the ImmortalLimbo message. 
>     I will try again with bzr-explorer and see if it does it again, or
>     if this was a one-time thing.  Either way, I need to understand how
>     to respond.
>     Thanks
>     ~M

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