External merge tool support (WIP)

Brian de Alwis briandealwis at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 00:18:06 BST 2010

On 5-Aug-2010, at 12:01 PM, Gordon Tyler wrote:
> Automatically popping up a GUI merge tool during a merge operation could
> be considered too intrusive, although one could say that the user should
> be expecting it since they gave the --using option. However, to make it
> less intrusive, perhaps bzr could prompt interactively for each file with
> conflicts whether to launch the given merge tool?

I wondered about something like:

$ bzr merge --resolve-using meld

Or --resolve-conflicts?

On 5-Aug-2010, at 12:33 PM, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Note that we *do* have 'bzr remerge' which reverts the contents and lets
> you re-run the merge (or the merge of a specific file) using a different
> merge algorithm. That might be a reasonable place to hang this off as well.

I also thought remerge was the more logical candidate.


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