Windows build of 2.2b3 available, please test

Gary van der Merwe garyvdm at
Fri Jul 2 20:29:45 BST 2010

Here is a build made with Ians scripts:

It has the following issues:
* It has the tip revision of bzr and all plugins. The scripts don't
provide a way to specify a taged revision yet.
* When you select tbzr, You get this error:
, and TortoiseOverlays are not installed.
* Unable to import library "launchpadlib": No module named launchpadlib
* Unable to load plugin u'pipeline' from u'C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins'

D:\My Documents>bzr plugins -v
bzrtools 2.2.0
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\bzrtools

colo 0.2.0dev
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\colo

explorer 1.1.0dev
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\explorer

fastimport 0.9.0dev
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\fastimport

launchpad 2.2b3
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\launchpad

loom 2.2.1dev
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\loom

netrc_credential_store 2.2b3
   Use ~/.netrc as a credential store for authentication.conf.
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\netrc_credential_store

news_merge 2.2b3
   Merge hook for bzr's NEWS file.
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\news_merge

qbzr 0.19.0dev3
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\qbzr

rewrite 0.6.1dev
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\rewrite

svn 1.0.3dev
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\svn

upload 1.0.0dev
   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\upload

   (no description)
   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins\xmloutput

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