Trouble with Launchpad...

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Wed Jun 30 06:46:04 BST 2010

Martin Pool wrote:
> There are a couple of things we can do here beyond speeding up and
> caching annotations.  I think there are already Loggerhead bugs for
> them:

Another option is to provide a limited annotation, e.g. restricted to
revisions no more than 500 revs away from the tip.  Revisions beyond
that range could be annotated as “(old)”.  Possibly it would even be
cheap enough calculate how old “(>6 months old)”.

I'm not sure if this is useful or not?  If the common use for annotation
information is “give information about recent changes to the file” then
it might be a good compromise.

(Again, there may already be a loggerhead bug for this?)


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