Interesting (?) trivia regarding svn-import and question about workflow
Russel Winder
russel at
Wed Jun 23 07:43:35 BST 2010
I am rather pleased with this one, and cannot resist sharing it with you
-- but there is a more serious question at the end.
I wanted to have a local version of the Kent occam compiler so I could
compile it up for use on all my machines. It is a Subversion repository
but I don't use Subversion for any project work mainly because of all
the .svn directories. So I thought use Git:
M trunk/runtime/libtvm/ins_t800.c
M trunk/runtime/libtvm/
M trunk/runtime/libtvm/instructions.h
M trunk/runtime/libtvm/tvm_mem.h
M trunk/runtime/libtvm/ins_proc.c
Incomplete data: Delta source ended unexpectedly at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 5047
Something in the commit is not manageable with Git. I have no idea
where to put the bug report. So I tried Mercurial:
[r4459] cgr: I take that back, does need to be in the repository, but it also needed some updating.
** unknown exception encountered, details follow
** report bug details to
** or mercurial at
** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.4.3)
** Extensions loaded: rebase, svn
Traceback (most recent call last):
. . .
AssertionError: kroc/trunk/runtime/ccsp/include/ not found
Looks like the same problem causing the same result as with Git. I have
posted a bug report with hgsubversion for this. So now try Bazaar:
|> bzr svn-import KRoC
Initialising Subversion metadata cache in /home/users/russel/.bazaar/svn-cache/ee8ce1bd-81f8-0310-a706-c2403d3965fe.
Importing branches with prefix /kroc/
Using repository layout: trunk1
Use 'bzr checkout' to create a working tree in the newly created branches.
Rock on dude.
The real question is what are the canonical (!) workflows for using this
tool. Currently I am thinking that such a shared repository created
using svn-import has to be used as a read-only mirror, but then this
means having to use a second shared repository for the working branches.
Clean separation but double the space required. Having working branches
in the same repository then means mixing read-only and read-write
activity, but we probably always do this anyway.
I guess the real questions is whether svn-import can safely act as a
pull operation for a shared repository which has branches not present in
the Subversion repository?
PS If I have just missed a bit of documentation, please do point me at
it. Thanks.
Dr Russel Winder t: +44 20 7585 2200 voip: sip:russel.winder at
41 Buckmaster Road m: +44 7770 465 077 xmpp: russel at
London SW11 1EN, UK w: skype: russel_winder
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