
Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Jun 7 04:19:38 BST 2010

Martin Geisler writes:

 > I think it's a shame this opportunity was wasted and we now have two
 > major Python-based DVCSs.

I don't.  I don't think the two groups of developers would be able to
agree on UI or internals for very long.  Mercurial's UI is way simpler
because there's really only a couple of major workflows supported, and
they're all decidedly distributed.  Similarly, its internals have been
stabler because they were designed around a small set of requirements
that haven't changed very much.

That doesn't make Bazaar *worse*, just different.  Viva la difference!
(Thank God for the poetic soul of the French, even if I can't spell!)

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