french translation of "colocated"?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Sat Jun 5 10:53:37 BST 2010

>>>>> Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho at> writes:

    > On 04/06/2010 22:33, Denys Duchier wrote:
    >> does anyone have a convincing translation of "colocated" into french?  I
    >> thought of "cohébergé" but I am not entirely satisfied with it.

    > co-résident ?
    > co-locataire sonne un peu... immobilier. :-)

While 'cohébergé' is closer to the english meaning, I think
'co-locataire' is better. That's how I see the colocated branches
anyway, all residing at the same place where, otherwise, a single branch

'cohébergé' kind of refers to some 'hébergeur' which is not defined (and
suggests something far too close in meaning to the repository and there
is a high risk that people mix the two), while with 'co-locataire',
well, that 'hébergeur' just doesn't exist as such, its role being shared
by all the 'co-locataire' branches.


P.S.: I'm definitely bad at translating these technical concepts in my
native language, apologies for that and thanks for doing it !

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