Switch from SVN to xxx ?

Óscar Fuentes ofv at wanadoo.es
Thu Jun 3 18:10:40 BST 2010

Ben Finney <bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au> writes:


> I've already acknowledged that the smart server protocol is more
> efficient than the dumb storage protocols. My point is that having *no*
> ability to use a particular storage is the worst of the lot.

Possibly for some cases. I prefer a fast system without dumb protocols
than a slow system with dumb protocols. Bazaar fits on the last
class. Working with bzr on the Emacs repo can be irritating at times. My
experience pulling from the mirror on Launchpad with the smart protocol
is not promising: it takes just 1/3 of the time required by the dumb
http protocol on Savannah (*). 1/3 ofAnd the added fact that pinging to
Launchpad from here is more than twice faster than pinging to Savannah
is not something that raises hopes of seeing even that fractional
speedup after the migration. I expect to see big improvements on pushes,

The effort required for setting up a git or hg server is quickly
amortized when compared to bzr, unless you work on small projects with
little activity.

(*) Just updated from Launchpad via the bzr+ssh protocol and for 600
revisions it took 2m46s and downloaded 47MB over a 600KB/s line. The
.bzr directory increased its size by 15MB. It doesn't look like a very
efficient protocol.


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