Usability in bug trackers

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Jun 1 23:58:57 BST 2010

On 2 June 2010 08:50, Robert Collins <robertc at> wrote:
> I found this interesting; we might want to adopt some of the keywords
> for some of our bugs / official bugtags. What do folk think?

I think so too.

Also it suggests to me that it would be nice to have Malone able to
know inline about the meaning of a tag so that it could show it in eg
a tooltip or as it does completion.  But a wiki page will do for now.

I think sometimes they overreach in for example saying that 'internal
inconsistency' is objective: either it's very narrowly defined ('most
ajax links are green but this one isn't') or it's got subjective

> [hidden assumption: we sometimes have trouble discussing why a ui
> change is good or bad]

Perhaps this vocabulary is useful; I don't think putting it onto bugs
as such is necessarily important.  I don't know if we'd do bugs in a
different order based on it.  Perhaps it would help us look for trends
in what kind of bug is closed, but we could try that first with

Martin <>

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