patch piloting the week starting 24th may
Robert Collins
robertc at
Mon May 31 03:00:33 BST 2010
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> On 31 May 2010 05:50, Robert Collins <robert.collins at> wrote:
> In some discretionary time last week I did a patch towards DKIM
> support in Launchpad[2] which may make review and participation easier
> for some people.
That would be nice; I've started asking around to see if google hosted
mail can do DKIM :)
>> OTOH the release process needs more automation:
>> - the news-bugs scanner needs to be updated to handle series and only
>> look at new sections
> ... and imbw but it used to use a deprecated interface to look at Launchpad?
It still does, one that can't even be installed in Lucid, though
upgrades may still have it.
>> - we need something to say 'hey, this code hasn't been released yet'
> What do you mean? To remind us to do a release?
Yeah. I'd like to have a conceptual status page for launchpad hosted
projects that shows, per series:
- unreleased bugfixes
- other commits that aren't in a release [excluding the
setup-for-a-release-cycle commit]
- duration since last release
And I figure that step 1 to doing this is something in hydrazine / lptools.
>> Picking up someone elses proposed merge and finishing it isn't
>> seamless for reviewers, but we should be able to do something with the
>> LP API to emulate a 'resubmit' to a different proposer. LP will change
>> the API here eventually, or perhaps we can play around a bit to find
>> out what we need and put a patch up for it.
> You're talking about superseding one proposal by another one from a
> different person?
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