releases tomorrow

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri May 28 10:17:22 BST 2010

Robert Collins пишет:
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
>> Robert Collins пишет:
>>> Its about time we did some releases, and that seems to fit well into
>>> the patch pilot workflow, so I'm going to do 2.1.2 and  2.2.b3
>>> tomorrow - please shout if there are blockers to doing a release?
>> I feel that "tomorrow" was too short time for announcement of new release.
>> Will be nice to have at least couple of days to make sure plugins
>> maintainers can prepare new releases as well.
> We haven't announced the release on bazaar-announce or IRC or the web
> yet; there is a deliberate pause between making the source tarball
> (done now) and announcing it, to let plugin maintainers and binary
> distributors test things out.
> If for instance you find one of your plugins doesn't work with 2.2b3
> we can fix that, issue a new bzr tarball (if needed), and coordinate
> things.

The question is not about testing or broken code. QBzr usually makes 
releases in sync with bzr to be sure they're will be bundled into 
various installers. So I'm trying to release qbzr before bzr tarball 
will be available to not block installers. This week I was very busy 
that's why I said there was too little time to announce bzr plans. 
That's all and nothing more.

All the dude wanted was his rug back

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