Cannot push to a LP project

Marius Gedminas marius at
Thu May 20 16:14:45 BST 2010

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 03:57:11PM +0200, Philippe Lhoste wrote:
> Now, when I do bzr push lp:nimrod, I get an error message:
> D:\Dev\3rdParty\Nimrod\trunk
> > bzr push
> Using saved push location: bzr+ssh://
> Connected (version 2.0, client Twisted)
> Authentication (publickey) successful!
> Secsh channel 1 opened.
> bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://
> is not compatible with
> CHKInventoryRepository('file:///D:/Dev/3rdParty/Nimrod/.bzr/repository/')
> different rich-root support

This is a very scary and user-unfriendly message, which means (according
to the kind folks in #bzr on FreeNode) that the repository on Launchpad
is using an old format.

You can fix that with 'bzr upgrade lp:nimrod' (slow) or through the
Launchpad web pages (faster, but I've no clue how).

> To make a long story short, is there a way to push my changes to this
> project?  I don't dare to upgrade the repository myself, as I am not
> the owner.  I can ask the owner to do the upgrade, but I don't know if
> he is willing to do it.
> These backward compatibility issues are annoying. I don't care if my own 
> history is lost in the merge, what I want is to push my final changes. Is 
> there a simple way to do it, even if it needs to pull again that project?

I don't know; presumably you can bzr init-repo and explicitly select the
repository format that upstream is using.  Although then you'll have the
same problem of merging the branch with your changes.  Perhaps you can
export them as a bundle and apply manually?

Marius Gedminas
Microsoft does have a Year 2000 problem. We're it.
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