bzr help and less don't seem to play well...

Brian de Alwis briandealwis at
Thu May 20 14:28:00 BST 2010

On 20-May-2010, at 9:05 AM, John Szakmeister wrote:
> Hrmph.  So, I figured it must be python related after trying this a
> few ways.  So I have a that I setup to import the
> readline module and to add a path where I dump newer versions of some
> packages.  If I comment out the import of readline, it's fine.  I have
> the import so that I get some nicer line handling with the
> interpreter.  I guess I need to find a way to only import it when
> running the interpreter directly though.

Now that you mention it, I encountered a similar problem.  I used to use the pager plugin, which automatically piped help/log/status through the pager, but had to disable it as it didn't work well with 'bzr shell'.  I never looked into it as I have a readline macro ^P that adds ' | less^M' and which works fine in bzr shell.  For the macro, add the following line to your .inputrc:

Control-p: " 2>&1 | less\n"

Since you're also on MacOS X, I also add the following to map Alt/Option-W to backward-kill-word; it's useful for Terminal:

"\ew": backward-kill-word


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