Sprint summary/impressions?
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Thu May 20 07:28:20 BST 2010
John Szakmeister пишет:
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> wrote:
>> On 18 May 2010 21:28, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
>>> 2Martin Poll: please, share the last document about changes in bzr model you
>>> edited at google docs.
>> http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AQ3S65cphSMHZGd4NWY0cHdfMTBkanRmbjljdg&hl=en_GB
> Thanks for posting this. It's nice to see some of the discussion that
> took place.
> I just wanted to provide a little bit of feedback. I'm not a huge fan
> of git's UI, but I really enjoy it's co-located branch model. For
> whatever reason, it just feels easy to switch between them and get
> work done. I, personally, don't consider it a negative that I have to
> use a git command to see the available branches. In fact, I see it as
> a plus because it's often easier than using an system command as I'm
> always way down in the source tree for some reason. I'm pretty
> certain I'd feel the same if co-located branches were in Bazaar.
> That said, I've been using the lightweight checkout of treeless
> branches lately in Bazaar, which kind of mimics co-located branches
> from a user-standpoint. I've been really enjoying it, and the fact
> that 'bzr switch -b BRANCH_NAME' will create a new branch for me. The
> one sticking point I've run into though, is that whenever I'm on the
> trunk branch, things behave differently because it's a lightweight
> checkout of a bound branch. I'd rather it based the switch command on
> the location of the bound branch rather than the branch it's bound too
> (I hope that makes sense). The whole setup does just make me more
> eager to have co-located branches though.
> Hope you find the feedback useful. Thanks again!
Have you tried colo plugin?
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